Tracy | Empower 40+ Hadonica's Photography

My Empowering 40 Women Over 40 Campaign has been one of
the greatest things I’ve done in my career thus far. My goal in launching this campaign was to make women from all walks of life celebrate themselves, acknowledge their accomplishments and all they’ve overcome in their 40+ years, and to empower them to realize their incredible strength and beauty.

The first woman I’d like to showcase is the stunning Tracy!


Tracy is a woman wise beyond her 40+ years! When asked how her life changed after turning 40, she said it was truly a time of reflection.
At first she thought, “What could I have done differently?” However, she quickly realized that she is exactly where she’s meant to be thanks to the decisions she has made in her past. She said we are all predestined to walk a certain path in life, and we need to embrace the journey that got us here.


Going into the session, Tracy said she felt a little self-conscious about herself. But she said, despite her “flaws” she knows she still has it going on! (I don’t see any flaws, by the way!) She was game for anything during her session, which made her time in the studio an absolute blast for the both of us. I think the pictures prove she definitely still DOES have it going on!


The reason Tracy decided to join my campaign was to celebrate who she is in this exact moment. She wanted to celebrate her birthday this month as well as her upcoming graduation this spring where she’ll obtain her Masters in Health Service Administration. She said the person she is today is not guaranteed to be the same person she is tomorrow, as change is inevitable as we grow through life. She wanted to embrace and celebrate the woman she is today. I’m ecstatic that I got to celebrate alongside her, and I’m honored she let me share a little piece of her story!

xoxo- Hadonica



Cheryl | Empower 40+ Hadonica's Photography


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