Communicate with confidence

Welcome! I’m so excited you’re interested in joining me to learn to improve your communication with your clients.

From my experience, I’ve learned that providing clients with an outstanding experience starts with preparing their expectations. Success starts with the very first point of contact.

I honed my words and skills to grow my services into a six-figure business. The “How” is transparency with clients from start to finish. Communicate the way they understand and don’t overcomplicate anything.

I want to help you increase your sales and bookings. Afraid of client regret? I’ll walk you through lowering the chances of that too.

Let me help you build the business you want and deserve.


Duration: August 3rd — 24th.

Weekly Meet: Wednesdays at 5:30 PM Central Time.
1-1.5 hr classes over Zoom & Recordings will be provided.

Where: Exclusive Facebook Group

Total Cost: $449.00 for the entire 4-weeks.

The right words sell your photography experience.


Join me & other photographers working towards the same goal of connecting with clients.

Each week will prepare you with tools and skills to set you up for success.

WEEK 1: Introduction & Setting Goals. How to talk to your clients.
WEEK 2: Lead Form & Phone Consultations.
WEEK 3: Wardrobe Consultations & Preparing your clients for the payment and Instant Reveal.
WEEK 4: Client Delivery, Reviews, & Referrals.

Bonus topics include Questionnaires to send to clients to prep for the session & Post-session questionnaires to use for social media content.

ARE YOU ready to close more sales with hadonica murphy?

I know the struggles to raise your prices. I know the difficulty of communicating with your clients because you're anxious and nervous and don't know how to say the words.

I want you to be able to talk to your clients without reading from a script unless that script is designed to match your personality and your business. You must build the communication foundations before you can make it your own!


1. Fill out the form below in detail

2. Pay your invoice

3. Join the Facebook Group - Will open on July 30th!


I know how you feel, 5 years ago I was working unto six 12 hour shifts at the hospital as a nurse, then even more hours as a Nurse Practitioner. I got used to having my vacation days denied and not spending time with my family.

I want to help you grow your business so you can leave that soul sucking job. I want you to be able to communicate with your clients that they are fully prepared to spend money with you! It is time for you to raise your average so you can start changing your life and running the business you’ve always wanted! If you struggle with sales or communication I’m here to help you communicate with confidence.

My super power is communications and sales. Don’t reinvent the wheel or go through all the struggles of doing it from scratch. Let me help you become the best communicator with your clients.

I am on a mission to set other photographers free from those soul-sucking jobs. I want you to do the same thing I did. Build a business and a system that works. I can help you build your luxury photography business, teach you how to sell products, how to nail your consultations, perfect instant reveals, and sell the packages you want to. You don’t want to have to figure this out on your own.

Want to work with me 1:1?

You can add 1:1 mentoring on top of your Communication with Hadonica course as well.