Why we need to fall in love with ourselves

You deserve to fall in love with yourself and go through life with complete confidence in your inner light. Instead, we encounter images that target our insecurities every day and leads to the development of a negative self-image. When it feels like our world and its conceived notions of beauty and worth are working against us, we cannot grow and become who we're meant to be. Nothing should have the power to make us feel unworthy of love, stability, and abundance.

The journey toward finding self-love starts with a conscious effort not to fall into traps that profit from our negative self-image. It is a life-long process, so it’s essential to be patient with yourself. Putting in the work to fall in love with ourselves from the ground up may seem daunting, but developing self-love creates a ripple effect through all parts of our life.

  • It can give you the freedom to explore your interests.

  • You'll be more attractive to yourself, first and foremost, and to others.

  • You'll build stronger relationships.

  • You'll be more likely to take good care of yourself: mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially.

  • You will be more open to more opportunities rather than holding yourself back.

  • Your happiness will become a habit.

Take it slow and get to know yourself, as you would with any first date. First, we need to learn to fall in love with ourselves: our likes, our dislikes, and everything else in between. We can get to the core of what makes us who we are and begin defining ourselves by it when we do that. We can then free ourselves from a negative self-image and "become more than we ever imagined." However, the most important thing is always the journey itself. And once you fall in love with yourself? That's where the fun begins.

xoxo - Hadonica


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