Beauty Needs Diversity | Empower 30+ Hadonica's Photography

Cleveland MS model showing off her tattoos in a photography session

In society’s eyes, a woman’s ability to pass for 20 is her beauty currency.

We see the message all the time. A woman’s value decreases over time as she ages and that is harmful to internalize.

So where does that leave women over 30? There is an archetype that these women are expected to fill and if you aren’t a married woman with children, you’ll be hard-pressed to find representation.

The time for diversity is now.

Cleveland MS Model against yellow background for an empowering photoshoot

In honor of my 30th birthday, I planned out my Empower 30+ photography campaign because for 2 reasons:

  1. Women like us who are 30 and over deserve to have our stories shared with the world. When we realize that we aren’t alone in following our own passions at our own pace, we can feel more confident in our bodies, values, and beliefs.

  2. Young girls need more role models of strong and empowered women so they can feel reassured that everything will work out in the end. Not all obstacles and challenges are permanent; true beauty comes from staying true to your authentic self.

I want to invite anybody who resonates with this mission to please join me. With just one session in the studio, you’ll start to see a real transformation in how you view yourself! We want to celebrate you and your legacy in portraits that showcase your power. Together we can prove that there’s no expiration date on beauty and growth.

It all just gets better with time.

Don’t let this chance pass you by, click the link below to claim your spot today!


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